Voting Records (2012-2014)

The tables below show the meeting attendance record of LNC members, all roll call votes, and all e-mail ballot votes for the 2012-2014 term. For more detailed information, see the LNC meeting archives. You may also be interested in the voting record for the 2004-2006 term, the 2006-2008 term, the 2008-2010 term, the 2010-2012 term, the 2014-2016 term, and the 2016-2018 term.

LNC roll call votes - page 1 (2012-2014 term)
LNC roll call votes - page 2 (2012-2014 term)
LNC roll call votes - page 3 (2012-2014 term)
LNC roll call votes - page 4 (2012-2014 term)
LNC e-mail ballot votes - page 1 (2012-2014 term)
LNC e-mail ballot votes - page 2 (2012-2014 term)
EC roll call votes - page 1 (2012-2014 term)
EC roll call votes - page 2 (2012-2014 term)
EC call attendance (2012-2014 term)
LNC meeting attendance (2012-2014 term)

LNC Roll Call Votes

You can view all roll call votes online (page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4) or download a spreadsheet below. The page numbers referenced are keyed to the official documents available at the LNC meeting archives This information will be available as a handout at the convention.

LNC E-Mail Ballot Votes

You can view all e-mail ballot votes online (page 1, page 2) or download a spreadsheet below. The page numbers referenced are keyed to the official documents available at the LNC meeting archives This information will be available as a handout at the convention.

EC Roll Call Votes

You can view all EC roll call votes online or download a spreadsheet below. The page numbers referenced are keyed to the official documents available at the LNC meeting archives This information will be available as a handout at the convention.

LNC Attendance

You can view LNC attendance records online or download a spreadsheet below. This information will be available as a handout at the convention.

EC Call Attendance

You can view EC call attendance records online or download a spreadsheet below. This information will be available as a handout at the convention.